Dysphoria Workshop

Our Mission

To improve the well being of trans people by building and deepening the knowledge and capacity of those who care for them.

Profile photo of co-founder Ari Dunphy

Hi, I'm Ari Heart


Co-Founder I Facilitator I Coach

I am a therapist, educator, parent, and a trans non-binary person.

I have been supporting trans people and their families to navigate the various stages of their journeys for many years. My extensive experience in trans-focused therapeutic and educational work has informed the development of our initiatives at Trans Wellbeing. I not only care deeply about the outcomes for trans people, but I am also determined to support their families to find a greater sense of understanding, ease and connection.

I feel strongly that individual wellbeing is mostly about context, because context supports or undermines our inner landscape and outlook. Family is our very first context as children, and it remains the most significant determinant of our internal dialogues and expectations of the world. 

We have seen, again and again, what is possible for parents, their children, and their community, when they are supported with good, accessible and nuanced information, delivered with empathy for the challenges of parenthood.

My personal experience as a nonbinary trans person informs the depth of care I bring to this work, but it is the many thousands of hours of conversations with trans people and their families that has built much of the purpose and content of our programs.

I am grateful to all the people I have worked with, who have taught me many things; not least the imperative and courage of authenticity and connection.

Profile photo of co-founder Jes Anderberg

Hi, I'm Jes Anderberg


Co-Founder I Parent Program Co-Facilitator 

I am an interpersonal psychotherapist, an educator, a queer woman and a mum.

As a therapist, I do not shy away from the messy things that make us human: our struggles, our big emotions, and our courageous work towards growth and healing. Even small changes can have dramatic effects, and you may find a deep relief through the process of being heard, sharing your concerns, and learning practical tools that can help.

I have always had an interest in supporting young people, and feel strongly that one of the best ways to help them is through supporting the adults around them.  It is my hope that this course will support both you and your child to find connection and wellbeing in yourselves, your lives, and your relationships with each other.

I have developed and delivered education to all ages, from toddlers to mature age students, with specialty areas in advocacy, interpersonal relationships, gender studies, counselling, and reflective practice. This course is a culmination of all those areas, and more. Together with Ari, I am excited to offer this comprehensive and compassionate educational and support program. 

I hope this course empowers you with a greater understanding of your child, yourself, and the many ways you can experience joy and connection together, even through this tender time.